The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201   Message #2288777
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Mar-08 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???

You don't dislike Obama. Interesting, then, that I've never seen any positive reference to him by you--perhaps I've missed them and you can refer me to your positive comments. And I've seen a boatload of negative remarks by you about him and his chances. Sometimes you seem to be one of the Gloom and Doom Trio---Rig, Janet, and you.

I don't claim to be the ultimate authority--on anything. But some of your pronouncements on US politics seem to have both an air of undeserved authority and a sizable dose of schadenfreude, as I noted.

As I noted, it is not at all clear that McCain would take either Michigan or Florida, against Obama, at any rate--for the reasons I cited.

Against Hillary, who knows?--she would be a much weaker opponent-- she'd get very few independents and basically zero Republicans. And if you think the black community would support her after the vile campaign she is now running, I have several bridges to sell you.   

But if you have a logical argument why McCain would take either Florida or Michigan against Obama, I'd be curious to hear it.

And if you really think Hillary would be a stronger opponent for McCain nationally, especially after alienating a good chunk of the Democratic coalition, I'd like to hear your theory.

My main source of information is the Wall St Journal--and so far I've never heard of a better source---(reporting, not editorials, of course).

And I'll be watching for positive comments about Obama by you.