The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201 Message #2288829
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Mar-08 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
You seem to have conveniently forgotten that the Republican party is not in good repute with Hispanics at this point. There is not even a united front in the Cuban-Americans--some--especially of the young-- feel relations with Cuba should be improved--and that we have a chance with the new regime there.
And the FL snowbirds and retirees etc. who are far more concerned about health care costs than you seem to realize, are not likely to be impressed by McCain's "market-based solutions".
You're good at simplistic answers. But someday you should look below the surface. Politics is fascinating--but not easily understood with bumper-sticker slogans, which seems to be your strong suit (along with Smears R Us, of course).