The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21471   Message #228883
Posted By: GUEST,Mrr
16-May-00 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ain't This Place Great???
Subject: RE: BS: Ain't This Place Great???
Will check the English Catters thread, but wanted to reply first to the Place thing. Spaw, I feel the same sense of community and I feel that as communities go, it is very village-y (rather than cityish, anyone who's lived in both types of places will know what I mean)- and I moved to the South from the Boston area to seek out that exact village mentality, so you know how much I prefer it! But somehow I guess I'm too literal, I don't know, it's village-y but not a village to me... I don't feel I'm WITH the people with whom I am corresponding, unless it was the Hearme I joined to celebrate end of sememster with Mbo. And since I don't have a mike, they were with me but I wasn't with them (in my "feeling"), which got even stranger. But you are right, this is so close to being "mon village" in the African French sense (hometown, roughly) that I might as well give up looking for a better metaphor!

But I still won't ask customers to "visit" my firm's website!