The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109470   Message #2289139
Posted By: Sorcha
15-Mar-08 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
Subject: RE: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
I have all my mom's (which were her MiL's)--a 12", 10", 8" and 7", then the stuff I've bought (old)--a non lidded chicken fryer (6" deep), 2 5", a round griddle (12"), and an ableskiver pan (looks like an egg poacher)

I've also bought quite a bit for the daughter. We both still need a camp Dutch Oven with a coal lip lid. All but one piece of ours is Lodge, Wagner or Griswold.

I bought a set of new stuff when I was first married....damn stuff had 'rings' in the bottoms of the pans, and would NOT season. I finally fed it to the dumpster.