The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109470   Message #2289196
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Mar-08 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
Subject: RE: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
I always cook on cast iron skillets and griddles. I picked up three sizes of skillets over the years and seasoned them myself. The abomination in my household is for someone to wash one in such a way that they get down to the bare metal or so that it can rust. It has only happened a couple of times because of the severity of displeasure such an occurrence engenders. I have two griddles, actually one was meant to be a fajita pan (it's oval) but I use it like a skillet. There is also a second or third generation family deep skillet with a heavy lid (Dutch oven). My friend who spotted it at a family home when she was helping with the estate told me that I should keep it because it was the best kind of pan for frying chicken. I don't fry chicken often, but I use that if I do. I have a little swing-handle deep 1-quart pan my mom got for me and seasoned, but I don't remember to use it because it is in the back of the cupboard.

I also have a three-legged antique cast iron pot that goes over the fire if you have an arm for swinging cast iron pots over the fire. I don't. So it's filled with cat toys and sits beside the fireplace.