The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109470   Message #2289253
Posted By: Uncle Phil
15-Mar-08 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
Subject: RE: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
Mmmmm, campfire biscuits/damper cooked in a cast iron dutch oven. Cut a piece of lard or shortening the size of a small egg into two cups of self-rising flour, the mix in one cup of buttermilk. Form into biscuits in a well greased pan that will fit into your dutch oven. The big secret is to not overwork the dough which makes the biscuts/damper tough. Bake in the dutch oven for 20 minutes at about 400F.

If cooking with charcoal briquettes then each briquette placed on the lid of the dutch oven raises the temperature inside by about 25F. Or use an equivalent volume of other charcoal. Or a bit lesser volume of wood coals, but you may need to add more coals during baking because they burn faster than charcoal. It's not an exact science.

Same recipe works well in a well greased cast iron skillet in your oven at home.
- Phil