The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109489   Message #2289319
Posted By: JohnInKansas
15-Mar-08 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Longest ongoing Mudcat
Subject: RE: Longest ongoing Mudcat
At the top of the page, on the same line where it says "Mudcat" there's a little box that probably says "Quick Links" with an "arrow" and a "Go" button.

Click the arrow to roll down the menu.

On the menu there's a choice named "Messages by Date."

Click Messages by Date and then the Go button.

When you get the list, you'll find a place where you can change the dates you want to look for to get a new list.

Technical Quibble: You don't get "messages" in the sense of PMs - the common usage here - you get "Posts" and/or "Threads" as we normally speak of them. That's probably not something that should be a problem.

Technical Problem: The date in the list is apparently based on the last post in the thread that's listed, not on when the thread was started. I'm not really certain on this point, as I haven't used the function enough to poke into flavors, colors, spins, parities and other quantum characteristics of the experimental objects and data.
