The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2289644
Posted By: Amos
16-Mar-08 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
A blistering editorial analysis of Bush's two-faced falseness on intelligence bill discussions in the NYT today ("The Intelligence Coverup" summarizes his aspergic banditry with this querulous precis:

"We were glad the House ignored his bluster. If the Senate cannot summon the courage and good sense to follow suit, there is no rush to pass a law.

The president will continue to claim the country is in grave danger over this issue, but it is not. The real danger is for Mr. Bush. A good law Ñ like the House bill Ñ would allow Americans to finally see the breathtaking extent of his lawless behavior."