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Thread #101088   Message #2289782
Posted By: Amos
16-Mar-08 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
From "The Suthern POlitical Report"

March 16, 2008 Ñ Bill Clinton was right: ÒDemocrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.Ó This is exactly what is happening right now with the political parties.

The Republicans, having chosen McCain, is beginning to fall in line, with conservatives in tow. Democrats are still falling in love with Obama. This was best captured in the Saturday Night Live skit of a debate between Obama and Hillary,in which one of the fictional journalists asked Obama, Òdo you really still like me?Ó

            As a political scientist, I can not identify the tipping point of this Obama love fest. I closely watch him on television, saw him speak in person with Oprah in South Carolina, and question my friends who are Obama supporters about him. His charms did not woo me over or excite me. The Obama presidential campaign is rewriting all conventional wisdom.

As my Obama friends points out, ÒObama is just a likeable guy, he a nice smile, good lucks, and speaks well.Ó

One previously non-political friend, Karla, is so taken with Obama that she signs her emails as ÒObama mama.Ó Her husband, Jeno has even registered to vote for the first time in his 68 years.

            What is the cause of the Obama surge? Some call it a Òmovement,Ó others call it a need for Òchange.Ó I call it just being cool.

            We all have experience a degree of wanting to be cool, to be the person who can do no wrong or simply be part of the ÒinÓ crowd. To get a sense of this in our culture, review all the magazines at the grocery store check-out line. The headlines point out to what is ÒhipÓ in fashion, music, and now politics.

            Other than calling for Òdhange,Ó the Obama movement does not rally around one central policy issue. He is just being cool.

            Unfortunately being cool is temporary. One day you are new and hip, the next day you are old and vintage.

            It can be painful to watch this transformation, from the old to the new. It is a part of the cycle of life. The key is to adapt and become comfortable with who you are.   

            When Bill Clinton burst to the scene in the 90s, he was cool. The first baby boomer candidate, he played the sax, was charismatic and full of new ideas. He was going to Òreinvent government.Ó He was a mix part Elvis and part JFK.   His 1992 Fleetwood Mac campaign song -- ÒDonÕt Stop Thinking About TomorrowÓ Ð gave us hope.

            Now in Clinton II, Hillary is spiteful, out of touch, and too emotional. She is yesterday, while Obama is tomorrow. Bill ClintonÕs campaign role has been eclipsed and he has a bit part in his wifeÕs aspirations.

            Regardless of the reasons, U.S. Rep. John LewisÕs switch to the Obama camp signals more than reinforce what TrumanÕs creed of politics states, Òif you want a friend in politics, buy a dog.Ó It signifies how the party insiders are moving to be part of the cool crowd.

            Hillary is not out, but if the Obama winning surge continues he will be the Democratic nominee. Being cool is fleeting, but vision and competence are needed to solve our nationÕs challenges.