The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109470   Message #2290290
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Mar-08 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
Subject: RE: BS: Skillet good and greasy: cast iron
I try to use only hot water to clean my skillets, though there are times when some soap is required. Elbow grease and a scraper is usually better than soap. Martha Stewart recommends using salt if you need to scour. My mother always stressed that you shouldn't soak it, especially not with soapy water. I usually wash it then let it sit on the burner to air dry. I don't usually warm the burner again.

I use a wire mesh screen over the top of the skillet if I'm cooking pork or steaks, or any meat that I want to have a non-wet consistency. I have a glass lid that fits my skillets (thanks, Dad! I found it at his house when I was doing his estate).