The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2290535
Posted By: Amos
17-Mar-08 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"...But the conservatives have it wrong - again. The last person the likes of Osama bin Laden wants to see in the White House is Barack Obama. If anti-American terrorists had their choice, Dick Cheney would be president. Our enemy needs a hawk in the White House, someone almost everybody in the Middle East can hate from day one. Almost any white person will do, even a woman.

But not Obama.

The problem Obama presents to terrorists leaders in the Middle East and in Africa is formidable. Of course, they will hate whoever becomes president, including Obama, who they will merely paint as a dupe of Wall Street. But Obama threatens terrorist leaders because he appeals to moderates in the Islamic world. He will have instant credibility in both the Middle East and Africa because his middle name is Hussein and because he is black and, of course, because of his opposition to the war in Iraq from the very start. For these reasons, Obama presents a much more difficult target for anti-American venom. Obama is the only candidate for president who, because of his race, can bring peace to the Middle East.

He also is the only candidate who, because of his race, will neutralize terrorists in Africa, where many have found support and cover. Our failure to engage Africa has been one of America's biggest errors in international diplomacy and economic engagement. By our neglect, we helped to give terrorism a foothold on the continent. But Africa is not insignificant in world politics.

Others realize this if we do not.

Africa has oil, lots of it, and some of the world's most precious natural resources. But other than cursory visits to Africa by American presidents in recent years, we practically ignore the continent until some calamity (man-made or natural) occurs, and even then give our attention only as long as the misery appears on our television screens. But Obama's grandmother lives in Kenya! If he becomes president, when he goes to see grandma the continent will melt in his hands.

But our accomplishments in Africa will pale in comparison to what will be achieved in the Middle East. With Obama in the White House and our enemies marginalized, our prestige and influence in the Middle East will enter a new and historic phase. ..."

An interesting, if highly optimistic, perspective from the Tampa Tribune.