The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2290642
Posted By: Amos
17-Mar-08 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
"The very same issue came up with Bill and Hillary Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Chelsea Clinton called Jesse Jackson and asked him to come give spiritual guidance to the family. He ultimately became the Clinton family's spiritual adviser, ministering to Hillary, Bill and Chelsea, and at Hillary's urging developed a special counseling relationship with their daughter. Shortly after the Lewinsky story broke Jackson met with the three Clintons at the White House. They reportedly prayed and hugged one another under Jackson's spiritual guidance.

The night before Bill Clinton was to testify before the grand jury about Monica Lewinsky, the president called Jackson and asked him to come watch the Super Bowl with him. At first Jackson begged off, citing a previous engagement, then heeded his wife's advice. According to Jackson "My wife said, 'your first obligation is ministerial. It is morally right.'" And he was later quoted as saying that "The relationship between a prophet and a president, the priest and the president is a sacred one." Jackson gave Hillary Clinton a framed photograph of himself with Chelsea, which Hillary Clinton hung in her bedroom.

The Clintons did not repudiate Jackson for his earlier comments about Jews, calling them "Hymie's" and referring to New York as "Hymietown." Nor did they repudiate him for recognizing the PLO or Yasser Arafat, or for embracing Arafat and Syrian Preisdent Hafez Assad, or for accepting Arab money for two of his organizations. (In fact, Hillary Clinton was roundly criticized by her New York constituents for embracing Arafat's wife at a meeting.)

Later it was revealed that while Jesse Jackson was acting as the Clinton's spiritual adviser during this troubled time, he was having an affair with a California State University professor Karin Stanford, a former staffer, and fathered her child. According to Stanford, Jackson tried to keep it quiet by asking her to sign a confidentiality agreement and by paying money to her from his charity organizations, hardly visiting the child at all. "An angry Stanford remarked later that "black religious leaders and congregations prayed for him (Jackson) and his 'family' but not for our daughter (Ashley) and me." She then said, "Coming at a time when (former) President Bill Clinton was being crucified for lying about his affair with a White House intern, my partner was praised by the media for his honesty."

I'm sure Hillary Clinton does not support Jackson's remarks about Jews, his relationship with the PLO or his having a child by a woman other than his wife. But clearly he was able to help her at a time, as she has admitted, of the greatest crisis of her life.

This is all by way of saying that one can get solace and support from others who are mortal and human and who make mistakes like everyone else. One can repudiate their behavior but not the people themselves."

(WaPo writer Sally Quinn)