The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109546   Message #2290765
Posted By: GUEST,Scooby Doo
17-Mar-08 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: My stray cat Tom
Subject: BS: My stray cat Tom
I just had a phone call from the RSPCA that on Saturday night they put my stray cat Tom to sleep.I realise its the best thing for him as he had a contagious virus and lots of other illnesses that a stray picks up .My cat Whistle is looking for him in the garden,then comes in and looks at me with a sad face.
The RSPCA said i would have to have my Whistle checked out too,just in case she has the illness.Can all the cat lovers on the site raise a drink to my poor old Tom tonight please.

Scooby Doo.