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Thread #109560   Message #2291356
Posted By: Azizi
18-Mar-08 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
Besides the fact that the math is against a Hillary win [for the Democratic nomination and for the general election, here are some other reasons why Hillary's poll numbers are continuing to go down-and why they should stay down:

"...Off the top of my head, I can recall the following negative attacks from the Clinton campaign - I challenge anyone to come up with a similar list of attacks by the Obama campaign:

1. the muslim smear emails circulated by Iowa staffers
2. the "cocaine" issue raised by Billy Shaheen, Mark Penn and Bob Johnson
3. the false email sent around in NH concerning Obama's pro-choice record
4. Bill Clinton's "roll of the dice" and "fairytale" comments in NH and the subsequent dismissal of Obama's position on Iraq
5. Bill Clinton's South Carolina statements and the misquoting of Obama's statement about Reagan and ideas
6. the first negative ad (radio) in South Carolina regarding the "Reagan / ideas" statement
7. mailers in MA mispresenting Obama's Healthcare plan
8. the first negative (TV) ad in Wisconsin regarding "refusal to debate"
9. the 3 AM ad
10. the suggestion that John McCain has passed the commander-in-chief threshold but Obama hasn't
11. the claim that Obama's entire campaign is based on one speech
12. the qualified answer to Steve Croft's "Is Obama a muslim" question
13. the fake AP news story ad regarding Obama and Naftagate run in Ohio
14. Penn claiming that Obama is unelectable

The attacks range from the morally reprehensible to me (nos. 3 and 12), to the intellectually offensive (5, 6, and 11) to the ridiculous (14) to the "politics as usual" (the rest of them). However, hard to argue that Clinton has not been attacking negatively".

-KD, on March 17th, 2008 at 7:39 am

Clinton Internet Staffer Pushes Panic Button