The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109560   Message #2291794
Posted By: Wesley S
18-Mar-08 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
"How many excuses can one person have for keeping an allegiance to such a hatefilled character is beyond me."

If we pick and choose quotes over a period of time it can be shown that anyone is a hatefilled character. Even yourself I might add. And we all know you're a paragon of sweetness and light.

"It is also coming out that Obama's aids admit they find him cold, removed and arrogant, a host of character traits which, it seems, has only been lost only upon his fervent supporters."

No links or direct quotes? I thought not. And you won't be able to provide any either will you? We're supposed to take your word for it because you're the "Voice of Truth"? Sure - got it.

"Hillary is the ONLY chance the Democrats have of beating the Republicans this coming November"

Actually I'd say the opposite is true. Obama has a much better chance. That's why republicans were crossing party lines in Texas to vote for Hillary - because Republicans figure she will be easier to defeat if she up against McCain.