The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55650   Message #2291863
Posted By: Keefy
18-Mar-08 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: How do you say drunk?
Subject: RE: Folklore: How do you say drunk?
good contstanoon afterball yoom wana me blow up yer balloon? wyfer? we gonna party?? OK!! gerin!! me'll drive'ya dere!!

bilge ratted
missed his hammock/bunk
bowing to the moon (i.e. hanging over the ships railings/bent double etc)
looking for sharks/worms (as above)
Pubar (As opposed to Fubar - P*ssed Up Beyond All Reason)

my grandfather used to say "He's got his feet on sideways" meaning he cannot walk in one direction i.e. wobbly.

Whoops just Reset my mudcat details as I found them absent.