The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21481   Message #229280
Posted By: Mooh
17-May-00 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it?
Subject: RE: Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it?
I was driven, not very willingly, to work at the school from which I graduated, four or five years after I'd left. There was little or no sign of my former school chums in that community, everyone (like me) couldn't wait to leave, and few have returned, even now. I didn't stay long, having found other employment, and I've heard nary a word about reunions, and I don't think I'd be hard to find. That said, I've never really thought about the idea until this thread and since my life is so much in the here and now I'm not sure I'd be interested in a reunion...unless it was a paying gig of course. Just kidding.

I bumped into an old school friend once, at a folk festival, who told me he hadn't seen or heard from anyone from his school years. He too moved away for good, became an artist, married and became a native of some other place.

My feelings, though not fully evolved on this topic, are that since that school held little interest for me at the time, it has also not maintained a place in my heart. It had NO arts program, no music, art, theatre, only one English etc. I got my diploma and left with less loyalty than I have for the McDonalds drive-through. I regularly thank God for the good fortune of a musical family.

As for the people, maybe they don't care unless they identified more with the football crowd, but I wouldn't really know about that. I would like to see alot of those classmates again and I wonder how some have made out in life, in spite of weak school programs. I hope it only made them stronger.

Rick, make up your own mind, my experience might only screw you up. But go if there's good song material to be had.

Ambivalently, Mooh.