The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21471   Message #229300
Posted By: Sorcha
17-May-00 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ain't This Place Great???
Subject: RE: BS: Ain't This Place Great???
This seems like a good place to put this; for 9 years Kate has been unable to even listen to Amazing Grace because it has such painful associatons for her. Thanks to Mudcat/HearMe, she has sung this song twice. Granted, the first time she had tears all the way through, but the second time she managed to get to the end before the tears, and now the kicker:

This is National Police Memorial Week, honoring all Officers killed in the line of duty. Tonight is the local memorial service, and Kate ASKED if she could sing Amazing Grace!! In public, with audience, and A Capella!! Blessed Be!!
And thanks for everything else, too, friends.