The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109574   Message #2293024
Posted By: Bobert
19-Mar-08 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Defining Moment Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Defining Moment Speech
I'm feeling a little ethnocentrisim going on here with some folks not only not knowing what goes on in black churches accross the country but also what goes on in "the barbershops and beauty parlors"...

This is the part of ths discussion that many white folks don't wnat to hear about...

Yeah, it's a lot easier for them to parrot what they have been taught which is "I shouldn't have to pay for something my great-granddaddy did..." This wrong thinking... Yes, part of this discussion is not only understandinmg what our great-granddaddies did but the institutions that our great-granddaddies put into place that has prevented way too many black people to not have a level playing field... That's where the anger comes into play here...

Black people know alot more about white folks because, as Eugene Robinson pinted out, white folks are not only the majority but hold the power than do white people have a clue about black folks and their angers... This is also part of the discussion...

If I had to fault Obama for anything it was that he didn't put enough emphasis on how corporate America plays the "divide and conquer" game... Had I been involved in writing his speech I would have used that phrase at least once and perhaps twice...

As Rig's pointed out there will, at some point in this fiscussion, be talj about "repair"ations... I'm sure the Repubs will sue repairations in their campaign because it excites the less enlightened portion of their base, which is about 75% of their base...

I've always been a proponent of "repair"ations not only for black but for anyone who has not been given an equal change to succeed... But that's another can of worms for the Repubs to play...

A day later, I am still very inmpressed with Obama and his speech...
