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Thread #109574   Message #2293131
Posted By: Azizi
19-Mar-08 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Defining Moment Speech
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Defining Moment Speech
Here's a powerful comment about Barack Obama's speech on race. I believe this comment is short enough to be reposted in this thread in its entirety.

The Speech and my Mom the White Grandma
by jhpdb
Wed Mar 19, 2008 at 02:06:14 PM PDT
My Mom has been a diehard HRC supporter from the start.

She has a Hillary sign on her bedroom mirror. She has steadfastly resisted the rest of the family's onslaught in favor of Obama. And we have really worked hard.

My Mom grew up white and poor in Detroit. And scared of black people.

She also worked and volunteered for years helping poor often black people in her new town.

My adopted daughter is from Liberia. I also have kids from El Salvador and Ecuador. My wife from Argentina.

'Race' is ever present in our lives

My Mom, the white grandmother of my black daughter, watched the speech.

And she cried.

She sat quietly for a few minutes without saying a single word...

Then she got up, walked into her bedroom and took down her HRC sign.

My Mom has said some of the same things as Barack's grandmother I'm sure.

But yesterday, a page was turned.

An Eighty-two year old woman changed.

I am ready to believe our nation can too.

And that my kids, black white and Latino can be proud of their country even on the subject of race.

This is not a diary against HRC. It is simply an attempt to document the incredible leadership one candidate is already exercising in this campaign.

I love my Mom, and today, thanks to Barack I can love her more.

There is less between her and the rest of my family.

Yes we can. Come together."


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