The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2293492
Posted By: Donuel
20-Mar-08 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I see and sense a unified attempt by all the cable news networks to show a clear reversal of Barak's fortune. They repeat polls showing the opposite numbers from 2 weeks ago. They speak of a Clinton miracle. They are speaking of Obama's goose being cooked. (A thread I can no longer find on mudcat)

Every hedge fund billionaire who have hopes of being bailed out by the Fed cringe at the thought of Barak's probabal call for regulations that would prevent the bankrupting of American by a handful of investment banks for a quick profit.

I speak of the tone and timbre of the cable news harangue against Obama more than substance of thier news. The often repeated words and phrases are: Naive, took no action, threw grandmother under the bus, threw pastor under the bus, and of course more video clips of a previously unknown pastor than MLK on MLK day.

imho: The banks that own the news know that Hillary will play ball just like Bill did with NAFTA and imbalanced Chinese trade. Obama scares the hell out of them.