The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109303   Message #2294148
Posted By: Bearheart
20-Mar-08 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Selkie/Selchie? & pronunciation
Subject: RE: Folklore: Selkie/Selchie? & pronunciation
Thanks to everyone for additional posts.

Jack, just want to say in response to yours:"In traditional Northern Isles culture, a seal is a large blob of potential leather and lamp oil. Any supernatural connotations have be a long way secondary to the economic ones." For Europeans that might be true-- for non European people with shamanic practices (who also have many stories of seals becoming human and mating with humans)the two-- hunting and spiritual practices- often go together, and hunting without honoring the spirit of the creature hunted was and often still is believed to bring bad luck, illness etc. I think perhaps not all Europeans have left those early practices behind-- witness the widespead folk customs regarding the Little People. On another note, I would be very interested in the tune Andersson recorded-- where would I find it?

Hey Kat, great to hear from you! You got my PM? Thanks for checking it out and commenting. Have not heard Art's version of the Great Silkie.

Nerd-- all very interesting-- Child was one of my first intros to balladry-- I can see why he made that comment re: Tam Lin.

Malcolm Thanks so much for your input-- as always you bring so much useful information to the table in discussions like this.

Fortunato: I'm happy to discuss the work I've been doing with the Selkie and the other Fey. I have been cautioned by them "not to throw pearls before swine" their words not mine! so please PM me. I am actually eager to share some of the music they have given me with people of like has been very special for me, transformative and deeply nurturing.