The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109664   Message #2294468
Posted By: Donuel
21-Mar-08 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Subject: RE: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
I watched Smiley (which he seldom if ever does) and I believe that Barak has said the very thing in which Tavis claims he has not. In fact CNN keeps taking Obama's quote out of context about "Racial division and strife will never end in america..."

Meanwhile the Clear Channel AM barrage is going full bore telling people of the need to be afraid, very afraid of the racial hatred coming from Obama. (Yes , from Obama) The same old comments that all liberals are mentally ill are being flung fast and furiously. They also claim that Barak wants to silence talk radio.

These AM shock troops do not have a conscience that tells them what is right, rather the right tells them what their conscience is.
Their conscience is often based on their dependency for a job.

Right now the Clear channel AM is broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer in its entirety while complaining about the Islamization of America , followed by another call in show to condemn Obama'z racism and the double standard that innocent white people must endure.

Barak warned of this exact response by the "old guard".
I warned of Barak's goose getting cooked by those who worship at the alter of fear and loathing.