The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109597   Message #2294520
Posted By: autolycus
21-Mar-08 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: UK betrayed too.
Subject: RE: UK betrayed too.
Nor by bosses
not giving a shit about workers,
thinking them all to be near-layabouts who the bosses have to treat like children,
stealing their good ideas about work,
thinking their employees are inferiors or idiots (who it's no use explain stuff to),
highly unwilling to let them share in improvements in the business (employees being thought of mostly as merely costs on the balance sheet, to be kept down),
not nurturing and bringing on ability

et cetera.

Not that I think any of this is universal. It's not negligible either.

And stiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllll no evidence, hard scientific evidence for the state of the UK economy. None.

A conservative is someone who a) tries to frighten you, and then b) rells you who's to blame for it.

Your "definition" of Socialism is bleedin'-obviously a conservative, non-objective definition. Try the dictionary. Gives a different one from yours. Wonder why. Perhaps those people at Oxford and Chambers and Websters and all the others are misbegotten commies
