The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109668   Message #2294551
Posted By: Art Thieme
21-Mar-08 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: D.Cheney,Levon Helm & Starbuck!?
Subject: D.Cheney,Levon Helm & Starbuck!?
Dick Cheney recently showed the complete disconnect between the sad mission of the Bush administration's eight years of deadly folly when he answered a question about the HUGE GAP between public opinion and that administration's bulling ahead with the discredited Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. In effect, he said that the huge gap "doesn't matter to the Bush Whitehouse at all."

A commentator on the Diane Rehm (spelling?) show this morning said that he thought this total disconnect was very much like when, in the novel MOBY DICK, Starbuck threw the sextant overboard because navigation wasn't necessary in their chase for the only mission that was before them at all, the chasing after and killing the White Whale that had brought down the "towers"-----er, Captain.

Since this is ostensibly a Folk Music Discussion Forum, I will extrapolate this to Levon Helm being awarded a Grammy for the BEST TRADITIONAL ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!

Also, I must say that I like Levon Helm's recent CD DIRT FARMER quite a lot, but trad, it mostly isn't---although some of it is. It's a stretch to equate Mr. Helm's Grammy with the other examples. But I hope it caught the attention of some who don't usually look below the music line.

Just some food for thought.

Art Thieme