The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109664   Message #2294625
Posted By: Amos
21-Mar-08 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Subject: RE: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Yet many here wish for that temporary dictatorship, so that they might iimplement their own "arrogance and misuse of power."

I greatly fear that we will be looking back at the last 8 years as "the good old days" when things were so much better....

For a supporter of someone who has extravagantly and preemptorily thrown the check-and-balance of popwer out the window in order to pursue his piss-poor vision, Bruce, I am not sure what your apprehensions are based on. But, whatever they are based on, they are your own, and I won't try to gainsay them.

As for throwing Wright under the bus, it seems to me Obama was assiduously clear that:

1. HE rejected extreme statements based on a locked-in anger that would not move forward toward betterment, including those made by Wright;

2. He would not under any circumstances disown Mr Wright or allow his respect for him to be alloyed because of those particular statements, in light of the overall value the man had.

So wherein is he throwing Wright under the bus? Because he refuses to take on the mantle of endless anger and fulmination? That is idiocy; his only chance to make thigns better is NOT to join that angry but unchanging crowd. He knows that, and so do most of his listeners, and so should those who sympathize with Wright's anger, as do I. The resolution of anger of this kind is not to roll in it like a beaten dog in the trash, but to cublimate it inot strong forward change.