The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13671 Message #2294735
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Gardham
21-Mar-08 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Nottamun Town
Subject: RE: Origins: Nottamun Town
Paddy Backwards is probably the most common title for this nonsense song, a very common genre of song in previous centuries.
All of these titles are used and they should be considered all one song. Adam Ham Town Crazy Song Paddy's Ramble to London Nottamun Town I'm going up to London Noddingham Town The Lying Song Fair Notamon Fair Notamun Town Fair Nottiman Town Notamun Town Nottaman Town Nottingham Fair Old Gray mare
Found on both sides of the Atlantic all of these versions seem to derive from the Pitts broadside 'Paddy's Ramble to London' of which unfortunately I haven't got a copy, but the first line is 'Said Paddy, In Ireland no longer I'd stay'. If anyone has a copy of the broadside text I'd certainly like to see it. Roud number BTW is 1044.