The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43977   Message #2295387
Posted By: Newport Boy
22-Mar-08 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about hands!
Subject: Lyr Add: SEE THESE HANDS (Frank Mansell)
You might like a poem:

Frank Mansell (The Cotswold Poet)

See these hands folded now,
Hands that wrought for so many,
Tended and tidied a family,
Soothed them and calmed them,
Fed, clothed and reared them
Almost on nothing.

See these hands resting
That in the old hard days
Picked blackberries for pennies
And gathered dry sticks in bundles,
In dim March days I scarcely remember
When beech woods were a mystery
And fox cubs played among daffodils.

See these hands resting,
That raked hay in the fields
Of a summer coloured with butterflies,
That brought tea and sandwiches
To tired men at harvest,
And scattered wheat and Argentinian maize
To hungry hens.

See these hands, hands never still,
Hands they have folded now,
Hands that are resting,
That will never be active again,
Long though I kneel for their blessing.

(Written on the death of his mother)
