The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109668   Message #2295469
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
22-Mar-08 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: D.Cheney,Levon Helm & Starbuck!?
Subject: RE: D.Cheney,Levon Helm & Starbuck!?
In response to the Cheney comments by Art Thieme. Right on the mark as to what he said--which, basically, was, when DC was told that over 60% of the public wants out and that this is a mistaken war---we don't pay attention to that. Sure---why not. Just because the misguided people who elected you because they thought GWB was a "down home" kinda guy they could drink a beer with. Though he is a recovering alcholic.

Think about this---Dubya tells the troops on the anniv. of the war how he envies them--the romance, the mission, etc; wishing he could have done this years back---right--from he and his VP who avoided any military service.

A news pundit recently made 2 points---this recovering alcoholic (Dubya) seems to be getting happier the worse the country's situation gets (economic, military, etc;)(unlike earlier Presidents who aged in office) and also that while his father was a thinking person (agree or disagree with his policies) Dubya shoots from the hip to show up his father in his pea-brain.

Great letter to the Ed. in the NYT recently about his tap-dancing for the press---Gene Kelly's widow in response to a comment from Maureen Dowd---I see GWB and he is no Gene Kelly--then a long meaninigful commentary on this clown's shortcomings. A clown who has had people killed and maimed due to his and his VPs fabrications.

Sad that the nation suffers from familial dysfunction.. I prefer Sen. Dole's ED it was a lot safer.

Oh--a folk music touch to all this---Dubya does a parody of Green Green Grass of Home at the Press dinner---great. Time he has for good times and humour while around him the wheebarrow is filling on its trip to hell. The trip he paid for. Great tour director.

Bill Hahn