The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109174   Message #2295669
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
23-Mar-08 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Liz, if you got out of the house, you're making progress--you can't say you failed! Hope you enjoyed the chocolate.

I have to make a run to the fabric store when it opens to get the rest of the "stuff" I need to finish my brother's project. Then on to the fun (not) part of it--sewing it together. Wish someone would invent fusible web that would actually hold things together without having to be sewn down. This is a flag, so it will be in the wind and weather as well; got to bite the bullet and sew it, I reckon. Yetch! Liz, chocolate is sounding better all the time! (Hmmmm, Starbuck's is sort of on the way to the fabric store, only a couple of miles off.)
