The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109636   Message #2295757
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
23-Mar-08 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Avoiding The Olympics
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding The Olympics
Well the recent history of the Olympics is one of bribes, drugs, cheating and $$$$ it is probably a better way for nations to compete than total war. China hopes to gain stature by hosting them this year and they seem willing to trample their citizens to make it happen. I think that to pander to China is a huge mistake and the world could use the games to send them a message. Send the athletes but no politicians or dignitaries and no TV dollars.
However Bush says that he won't miss it. With luck Harper's rule will end before then. The Dali Lama holds honourary Canadian citizenship so perhaps we could send him to represent our government.
In the early Olympics the athletes were naked. That might make it a bit more interesting for some.
   Remember Tiananmen Square !