The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109714   Message #2295841
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
23-Mar-08 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Snowing on Easter Sunday
Subject: RE: Snowing on Easter Sunday
Thanks for the info, Martin! The YouTube caption I saw said something associating the young piper who is playing and "the Naul" but I was passing through and only glanced briefly so I could have misread it. He's in a pub - maybe there's some connection with the name - ??

Anyway, I'm glad to know the meaning behind the title of this lovely air (though I also like the seasonal image it evokes, which always makes me think of mountains for some reason). That's the oral tradition for you - I got this tune from a flute player in Cork, and never saw it or its title written out. Anyway have a great Easter -