The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13671   Message #2296109
Posted By: Goose Gander
23-Mar-08 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Nottamun Town
Subject: RE: Origins: Nottamun Town
This one from American Memory seems to be a variation of Nottamun Town . . .


Bill Jackson
Arvin, 1941

I went to the barn my steers to feed
-Did ever you hear that awkward old song?
I went to the barn my steers to feed
I fed 'em my saddle, hung up the feed
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

I rode into town, walked all of the way
-Did ever you hear that awkward old song?
I rode into town, walked all of the way
I was stifled on dust for it rained all that day
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

Met the king and the queen, their company was mine
-Did ever you hear that awkward old song?
Met the king and the queen, their company was mine
A-riding on horseback, a-leadin' behind
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

It rained and it hailed, it blew a great storm
-Did ever you hear that awkward old song?
It rained and it hailed, it blew a great storm
Kept my hat on my arm to keep my head warm
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

I rode the gray mare with a crease down her back
-Did ever you hear that awkward old song?
I rode the gray mare with a crease down her back
Not a hair on her that wasn't coal black
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

I rode into town, not a soul did I see
-Did ever you near that awkward old song?
I rode into town, not a soul did I see
Ten thousand people was gazing at me
We'll all sing as awkward as ever we can.

The Roud Index lists it as 1706, with which I would disagree. Bill Jackson himself in the same collection sings Little Fat Boy/When I Was A Little Boy as Fast as I Could Wad which is much more obviously a variant of Roud 1706.

Or so it seems to me.

But I'm to Easter celebrations with the family now!