The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109560   Message #2296151
Posted By: Ebbie
23-Mar-08 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
I am an Obama supporter. OTOH, if Senator Clinton got the nomination I would work for her election. Emma B linked to a piece that describes and defines most Hillary Haters. To me it feels like it emanates from our worst instincts. (In my opinion Obama is far more likely to prevail against McCain, partly because of the baggage that Clinton carries. There are serious haters out there, even if they can't verbalize what it is that they hate.)

Frong the link:

"Scary? Frightened to death? By now, Clinton's flaws as a candidate are well-known—the problems giving a straight answer, the warmth and authenticity issues—but they're also fairly typical for a politician. Here in Dallas, though, and in the rest of anti-Hillary land, the hostility toward Clinton tends to be expressed in bafflingly vague and emotional terms.

"Discussions with self-declared enemies of Hillary Clinton, prominent and not, across the country yield a head-spinning barrage of motivations for their ill will, but one thing is immediately clear: Few if any have anything to do with the mandated insurance coverage of Clinton's health care plan (or HillaryCare, in hater parlance), her carefully triangulated position on Iran, or her incremental shift against the war in Iraq.

"Instead, they say she is an extremist left-wing flower child masquerading as a moderate, or a warmongering hawk disguised as a liberal. She's a liar and a lesbian (short hair! pantsuits!), a cold fish and an adulteress. She has no maternal instincts and is hobbled by a debilitating case of insecurity, for which she compensates by acting like a thug. She is the spineless wife of a habitual cheat, and the willful enabler of her husband's affairs. She's in politics to keep Bill around, and she ran for the Senate, and then the presidency, to exact revenge for his philandering. She has no God, or her devoutness is frighteningly fundamentalist. She's a condescending elitist who sees people—even her friends—as steps on a stairway to the presidency. She is a partisan, a panderer, the personification of everything that is wrong with America."