The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109560   Message #2296186
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
23-Mar-08 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's poll numbers down.
I get many emails from Georgia and Texas, from people I have known, some for many years, and their characterization of Obama ranges from characterization of him as two-faced to empty-headed to comments on his religion and race, some unprintable.
Much of denigration on both sides comes from particular segments of the public; the left is strongly represented at mudcat, and urban sentiments are strong. The Georgia-Texas emails I get are small town-rural.

The urban- small town and rural split is demonstrated in the following:
In a regional survey in the New York Times today an Obama supporter spoke of the split in Missouri.

"City Mule, Country Mule," Whitney Terrell, Mar. 23, 2008. Opinion.

Airick Leonard West is an African-American, running for the school board in small town Missouri. He says,
"Rural Missouri areas like this one have also stopped voting for Democrats. The county that includes Warrensburg is comparatively moderate- Johnson County favored John McCain in our primary... but Huckabee won more rural territory than anyone."
"The Democratic primary map revealed a stark divide. Barack Obama won Missouri b carrying six jurisdictions: the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City, plus four counties around the state (141 counties total in MO). Everywhere else went for Hillary Clinton."
A Clinton supporter made this comment to Mr. West, which he passed on to the column writer- "Basically," she said, "I see rural Democrats going for McCain."

If Obama takes the nomination, I believe rural voters, regardless of party, by and large will vote for McCain. This will include many Clinton supporters.
I stated my preference for Clinton previously, but even if she won the nomination, I expect McCain will take the election in this closely divided country.