Whooooooooooosh-sh-sh..... just back from a short trip out back to TCB, Sugar Dog piles into Amergin's lap, indulges in a moment of determined cheek-licking, and settles in to watch the Tavern fun.Biskit, no stranger to under-the-table maneuvers, had apparently dragged Mbo to his rest from which resting place, from time to time, we hear a faint balladic whisper
TerriM and Dave, in the next recliner, are just getting comfy for a bit of purely platonic and therapeutic snuggle time. Dave has shaved again and TerriM is weeping softly with no particular pain in mind, just at the relief of landing at safe harbor. Dave doesn't mind because whatever her tears' cause, it's no fault of his and when a lass needs a good weep, why not?
Sugar Dog can smell Biskit still, but he was in and back out so fast she missed him while TCB. But it seems he may have kidnapped Sorcha with her complete cooperation... sniff-sniff... tasting the air.... yep. Sugar Dog can SMELL the wild cackle Sorcha let out when she realized she could hop a ride with Biskit and take a nice, loooooong trip!
Sugar Dog 'bout used up her remarkable powers of observation and reportage, so (scrunch-wiggle-lap adjust) settles down for a nice nap amid all the noise, safe and snug among friends.