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Thread #101088   Message #2296966
Posted By: Azizi
24-Mar-08 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Philanthropist Theresa Heinz Kerry* wrote an op ed in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that expresses her strong endorsement of Senator Barack Obama:

Here's an excerpt of that long op ed:

Sunday Forum: It's Pennsylvania's turn - vote for Obama
Barack Obama understands working families, offers realistic proposals to help them and has the vision to re-inspire America, says philanthropist TERESA HEINZ
Sunday, March 23, 2008

"...Mr. Obama's work taught him what happens to families and communities when factories shut down and jobs go overseas. He knows firsthand the devastation and despair the global economy can bring -- and how important hope is in overcoming setbacks and getting lives and neighborhoods back on track.

But there's more to Mr. Obama than hope. There's a practical approach to economic recovery. It starts with a tax cut of up to $1,000 -- for middle-class families, not for millionaires. And Mr. Obama believes that there can be no "free" trade without fair trade. He's committed to fixing NAFTA, so that it works for American workers. For those whose jobs are threatened by foreign trade, Mr. Obama supports reforms to the Trade Adjustment Assistance program so that workers can be retrained before they lose their jobs.

Mr. Obama's health-care plan will cover every child in America, and help families afford the same kind of insurance he and I both have, by giving them access to the same plan that covers Congress. He'll simplify paperwork and ensure no family can be turned down, regardless of pre-existing conditions. As I saw in Sen. Heinz, and as I see in my husband, Sen. John Kerry, a personal connection to working families drives Mr. Obama in his passion to get working Americans and seniors access to affordable insurance...

In the bicentennial year of 1976, Pennsylvania took a chance on a smart, hard-working and optimistic young congressman named John Heinz and made him their senator. They made a wise choice. He worked across the aisle to tackle the tough problems of the 1970s and 1980s -- saving Social Security, reforming nursing home care, demanding fair trade, offering new solutions to environmental problems. He proved that, when you love people and put their interest ahead of politics you can make a real difference.

That is the spirit I see in Barack Obama and why I look forward to voting to make him our 44th president.

The "audacity of hope" means a vote for change. Vote for Barack."


* Teresa Heinz is very well respected in the Pittsburgh area. She is the chairman of the Heinz Family Philanthropies. The Heinz Foundations provide a wide range of funding in community service areas including health care, education, human services, and cultural programming.