The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21548   Message #229837
Posted By: GUEST,sian in wales
18-May-00 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell Kitty Macleod
Subject: Farewell Kitty Macleod
In reading the on-line edition of Canada's paper, The Globe and Mail, I saw the following in the Obituary section. I know nothing about Kitty Macleod, but I thought it was a nice tribute, and quite an interesting life. Here are the first two paragraphs...

Kitty Macleod, the doyenne of Scottish Gaelic singers and one of the first to bring the music's traditional style to the attention of an international audience, has died at the age of 85.

In the notes to an album reissued last year, the folklore collector Alan Lomax described her as being "generally regarded as the finest stylist among Gaelic folk singers."
