The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21546   Message #229853
Posted By: GutBucketeer
18-May-00 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life
Subject: RE: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life

We are waiting for you to join the Hearme Circle! Find some young person (guy or gal) that lives and breathes computers and have them figure it all out.

We want to hear those banjos that we keep reading about!!!

Actually, I feel that I've gotten to know another side of people through hearme. We are all multi-facetted and the glimpse that you see of me from typing/chat is different from the glimpse that you see of me in hearme. It's the same when I meet mudcatters in person. Hearme has exposed me to a whole new continents of music! and let me hear tunes that I never had right before.



I was a mudcat addict before, but now with hearme I actually go through withdrawals if I'm gone for a week or more. It's a very powerful musical drug!


Last, Hearme has helped me overcome much of my performance anxiety. I'm a basement singer and am just learning Banjo. For years I just accepted that I was musically challenged. Therefore, in the past I played/learned mostly for my own enjoyment, in my basement, or at the local autoharp club meetings which were very supportive. HEARME has given me the chance to overcome many of my performance fears. Now I'm ready to try to find local jams, etc.