The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2299743
Posted By: Amos
28-Mar-08 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
And a young voter writes to Newsday:

"As Hillary Rodham Clinton's kitchen sink slowly erodes Obamania, I've taken quite a bit of flak for sticking by my candidate. Surely, I hear, I should "come around" and realize that Clinton, a one-and-change-term senator and former first lady, is the logical and responsible choice for the Democratic presidential nomination in the fall. I've had my fun, but now it's time to settle down and return to reality.

I turned 18 in January, and thus represent the lowest boundary of the youth vote, that elusive demographic Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer love to analyze to death. In my 10 or so years of cultural cognizance, I've seen two presidents lie to their countrymen, our current president sling disgustingly false mud at two decorated war veterans who dared run against him, and our governor bring shame to his office and the state. I've seen a woman from Arkansas move to New York 13 months before the senatorial election and then claim to represent my interests.

I shouldn't believe in politics. I shouldn't even care about this election. But Barack Obama made me care, gave me something to believe in when no other politician in our generation even came close. I don't care if he's only been in the Senate for about four years, and I don't care he's never been married to a two-term president. George W. Bush had experience. Dick Cheney had experience. Eliot Spitzer had experience. That argument doesn't work in these times.

It sickens me that Clinton has the gall to ridicule those who choose to believe in Obama, who offers nothing but hope. No baggage, no mudslinging, just the hope that we can and will do better for this country. Here's hoping voters see through the political smoke screens and put Clinton back in her place. "

Not bad for a l'il sprout...