The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21546   Message #230058
Posted By: GUEST,musicman
18-May-00 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life
Subject: RE: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life
Hearme..... Hearme.... Hearme.....

Well, Isn't that's what it's about? So others can hear me? and I can Hear them? It's what music is about and Bill Staines puts very aptly in one of his songs "Let us build a bridge of Music, let us span it with a song..." THis is some bridge, covering the whole earth!!

Yes, reading and singing does present it's problems for us who can't talk and play at the same time.. (reading and playing two different things presents the same problem for me...) but what the hey..... It's FUN!!!!! Gives you a chance to share your best and your newest on a very appreciative audience ( and if they DON'T like it, at least they can't throw anything at you!!!)

I find that being able to share my music with anyone, anywhere always brings me and those listening pleasure and this is just another way to do that.....

BTW,, the big toe, (socks off) works well on the F9 as does my Kyser capo....

come and enjoy,.....
