The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109523   Message #2300754
Posted By: TheSnail
29-Mar-08 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Subject: RE: BS: The smoking ban & pubs
Ol' Smokey (incognito)

You are confusing correlation with causation

I just passed on the links. Tell the United States Surgeon General, the World Health Organisation, the British Medical Association, the California Department of Health, the Environment Protection Agency, the British Medical Journal, BUPA that they are "confused".

You are in denial Ol' Smokey. Typical addictive behaviour. You think that you are taking the piss but you are actually involved in an exercise of self justification. Not to me or Jim or Backwoodsman or Big Mick but to yourself. You know in your heart that you are wrong but your addiction has such a strong hold on you that you cannot admit the truth, even to yourself. Nicotine has you by the throat and is not just screwing up your body but your mind as well. It isn't too late. You can stop if you can find the strength.