The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109903   Message #2300892
Posted By: Anne Lister
30-Mar-08 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: Be an Angel for Anne Lister/Tabster
Subject: Be an Angel for Anne Lister/Tabster
As some of you will know from the "Funding a New Album" thread, I'm hoping to get back into the studios to record a new album, as soon as possible. Only problem - lack of money! So I'm following the example of various other performers and asking my friends, family and fans if they would like to pay in advance for a CD (or more than one) in order to enable me to get the CD made. You'd be acting as a theatrical "angel", but not expected to just hand over the money - you'll get a CD, email updates and MP3 previews at least.

If you'd like to help out, have a look at the page on my website where it's all explained. All the money sums are in sterling but you can use PayPal, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions.

Oh, and tell your friends (if you think they'd like my music, that is).
