The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2300993
Posted By: Becca72
30-Mar-08 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
In talking to my father the other day he reminded me of my sister's bassett hound, Virgil. This was a disgusting dog. I refer to him as "scratch and sniff" because he stunk to high heaven.

We had post holes in the back yard where dad had removed a fence. Virgil used to love to go out back and bark down into those idea what he was barking at..

When my sister married she took Virgil with her and they moved just a mile or so away. There is a very well known local ice cream place around the corner from of those "take away only" places. They used to take Virgil for walks around the block and would stop at Red's on the way home and get him a small vanilla cone. Well one day he got out of the yard somehow and my sister and B-I-L didn't know it until a lady who lived down the street called and told them the dog was standing in line at Red's, waiting for an ice cream. Poor bastard..he had no money AND the place was closed for the winter!