The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #789   Message #2301
Posted By: Anne Cormack
17-Feb-97 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Wae's Me for Prince Charlie (William Glen

1. A wee bird cam' tae oor ha' door, he warbled sweet an' clearly,
An' aye the ou'come o' his sang was wae's me for Prince Charlie.
Oh when I heard the bonnie bird the tears cam' drappin' rarely,
I took my bonnet off my head for weel I lo'ed Prince Charlie.

2. Quoth I "My bird, my bonnie, bonnie bird, is that a sang ye borrow,
Are these some words ye've learnt by heart or a lilt o' dool an' sorrow?"
"Oh! no, no, no," the wee bird sang, "I've flown sin' mornin' early;
But sic' a day o' wind an' rain, oh wae's me for Prince Charlie!"

3. "On hills that are by right his ain he roves a lanely stranger,
On ilka hand he's press'd by want, on ilka side by danger.
Yestreen I met him in a glen, my heart maist burstit fairly,
For sadly changed indeed was he, oh! wae's me for Prince Charlie!"

4. "Dark night cam' on, the tempest roar'd, loud o'er the hills an' valleys,
An' where was't that your Prince lay down, whase hame should be a palace?
He row'd him in a Highland plaid which covered him but sparely,
An' slept beneath a bush o' broom, oh! wae's me for Prince Charlie!"

5. But now the bird saw some red coats an' he shook his wings wi' anger,
"Oh this is no a land for me; I'll tarry here nae langer!"
Awhile he hover'ed on the wing ere he departed fairly;
But weel I mind the farewell strain was "Wae's me for Prince Charlie!.

This is obviously a Jacobite song!! Words by William Glen, about 1820. The air is "Johnny Faa" or "The Gypsie Laddie". Said to be founded on a romantic adventure in an old Scottish family.

The words I have in "100 Great Scottish Songs" by Soodlum.

