The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2302050
Posted By: Amos
31-Mar-08 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Dallas Morning News:

"...Obama won 2,235 delegates to the state convention, or 60 percent, in the Saturday caucuses, compared with 1,511 delegates, or 40 percent, for Clinton, according to an ongoing count Sunday by The Associated Press. There were still about 3,500 others to be counted.

Obama's campaign predicted he would win the overall delegate race in Texas because of caucus support, even though Clinton narrowly won the popular vote in primary balloting March 4.

The caucus delegates ultimately will be winnowed and divvied up in June.

Clinton's campaign trumpeted its caucus successes in predominantly Hispanic regions along the Texas-Mexico border and elsewhere in South Texas and said it was too early to tell the Texas outcome.

"Hillary's delegates came out in full force," said Clinton spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod. "The Obama campaign may want to take a step back and wait until the official caucus results come in before declaring victory."

Obama's camp accused Clinton's of aggressively pushing to challenge and disqualify Obama delegates based on technicalities.

"Despite the Clinton campaign's widespread attempts to prevent many Texans from participating in their district convention, the voters of Texas confirmed Senator Obama's important delegate win in the Lone Star State," said Obama spokesman Josh Earnest.

As he did in earlier precinct caucusing, Obama scored some lopsided victories in senate district caucuses Saturday in Houston, Dallas and Austin. Those were among the largest and most delegate-rich, often lasting into the night. ..."