The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109174   Message #2302085
Posted By: wysiwyg
31-Mar-08 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
A popular concept at our place is "re-purposing." I just harvested a bagful of "clutter" into stuff I can sell. I know where to store it, where it will be seen and where I have no doubt that it will "move."

BTW, decluttering and increased activity level can and sometimes do go hand in hand-- it can be done as a walking-intensive activity, where instead of doing each segment the most effcient way, one uses a pinball approach to increase the amount and duration of activity.

(Some "weight loss" "experts" say house chores don't "count," but they absolutely do, especially in increasing metabolic rate after being injured or sedentary for a long period of time. Athletes know and apply this-- runners I know say that they count active house chores and laundry as the active-rest day between training days.

The pinball approach--my term-- is that instead of loading up a box of things all going to one area, hefting it, and unpacking it all properly when you get there, take ONE item instead that is right in front of you that you KNOW does not belong there. Pick it up, and take it where it belongs. When you get there, see what needs to be picked up there, next, and take it where IT needs to go. And so forth, an dkeep it up until just a few seconds past your perceived need to sit for a break.

If you wear your walking shoes you can build up quite a wind-building activity this way. Over time the duration of feeling able to do it increases, and the thought of firing up a CD to keep you company spontaneously occurs. (I just let my puder play me my tunes.)

Yesterday was an active-rest day here, spent on the laundry that piled up during Lent. Lots of bending, carrying, walking back and forth between main house and landry dept. (Muscle work for areas not yet up to strength.) Today is Pinball Day to get the main floor closer to ready for a potential new house-mate to visit for a summer pet-sitting interview. Before we can dust or vacuum, there's the winter's CRAP to clear up!

Before he left for work this AM, Hardi kindly unearthed the faux sunlight that had been put aside until the new dog settled down enough not to break it. By the time the real sun reappears (tomorrow) I will be ready to head out for the pool, house well in order.

These things tend to integrate.
