The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21551   Message #230237
Posted By: Bugsy
18-May-00 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: Song about the gnu?
Subject: RE: Song about the gnu?
Many years ago there wasa guy who worked a very successful dog act in a circus in the UK. Unfortunately his dog was stomped on by the Indian Elephant who was going through Menopausal mood swings at the time and this left him without an animal to perform with. The only animal not being worked at that time was a 28 year old Gnu.

The Dog Trainer worked for weeks with the Gnu trying to train him to jump through hoops, stand on his hind legs, ride a bicycle etc., but the Gnu just sat in the middle of the centre ring and looked baleful.

Which just goes to prove the old addage

"You can't teach an old GNU, DOG tricks.

