The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4255   Message #23024
Posted By: dulcimer
04-Mar-98 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: The demise of Folk Music
Subject: RE: The demise of Folk Music
Consider also--folk music often seems to harken back to a simplier less complex time or at least perceived to be so. Situations, values, events seem to be more clearly defined and to some extent more genuine. I would liken folk music revivals (for it never really dies) to the romantic movements in US and England and agarian reform movements in the US, a longing to return to the fundamentals, away from the sophisticated. I'm not suggesting that folk music is simple and straight forward. Most of the folk lyrics are infinitely more sophisticated and complex than most so-called popular or contemporary music. Simply I'm suggesting how folk music comes off. Much of what has been said about popular about I would hardily agree with. I would suggest there may a yin-yang of music tastes in a society. If "folk" music appears to be demising, it may only be one side of the coin.