The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109898   Message #2302948
Posted By: akenaton
01-Apr-08 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: How many socialists are there here?
Subject: RE: BS: How many socialists are there here?
Les , the SNP, who have just ousted Labour from power here in Scotland, are proving more "socialist" than the last Labour administration.
Although only having a majority of one in Hollyrood, the party's popularity in the country has increased dramatically since coming to power.

The worrying thing (for Labour), is that when they lose their Scottish power-base, they will never again be in a position to rule the UK.

All of this can be laid squarely at the door of Blair and the right wing policies of his administration. Especially the war in Iraq and his privatisation agenda.

Its all very well to be a socialist in a New Labour administration,
but a real socialist has to have balls...or the female equivalent.
And I don't see many of them hanging around Westminster.

Whenever any "dangly bits" do appear, they are swiftly amputated by the "Party machine"....,..Ake